Owner: David Rennard
When you are born into a family with a long heritage of musicians, it is inevitable you’ll be bitten by the music bug eventually. David started taking piano lessons as a young child. He soon became interested in his sister’s ukulele which led to learning guitar by age 10. Performing professionally primarily as a guitar player, David has also performed bass guitar, keyboards, and vocals in a variety of bands throughout his career. He has composed and recorded many songs including the theme song for Eagle Creek Park. After 10 years as a music educator, David created Carmel Music Center in August of 1987 in the same building that has been home to a music store since the 1960's. What is now currently the longest running retail business in Carmel’s Arts and Design District. David is happy to still be so visibly active contributing to the enjoyment of music to both beginning and seasoned musicians and feels blessed to be able to see many former young students who now bring their children (and grandchildren) in to purchase their first instrument and take music lessons. |
Sales Associate: Jim Nowlan
Jim received his music education at Ohio State University and has been playing music professionally since 1968. His musical travels have taken him coast to coast. Originally from Detroit, he moved to San Diego in 1985 and spent 30 years there teaching and playing guitar. Jim started working at Carmel Music Center in 2015 as a product specialist and guitar technician. Jim brings joy and smiles to students and customers at Carmel Music Center. Don't let his size fool you, he's really quite harmless without a guitar. |
Sales Associate: Aaron Ransdell
A well seasoned member of the CMC staff is Aaron Ransdell. Aaron has been a guitar teacher at CMC for over 15 years, and has been playing guitar for over 25 years and bass (both upright and electric) for over 20 years. Aaron attended Vincennes University where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Music Audio Recording. Aaron is a founding member of Tonos Triad and has played with bands such as Midwest Rhythm Exchange and The Railyard Marksmen. He toured for a couple years working as a Guitar Technician and Stage Manager for The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band. Aaron enjoys guitar repair, fishing, attending concerts, and traveling. |
Sales Associate: Emmaline Colvin
Emmaline is a senior at Carmel High School, and studies classical voice as a soprano. She also enjoys singing jazz and leading worship at her church. Some notable places she has sung at include the Palladium in Carmel, Feinstein's at the Hotel Carmichael, and the Vatican in Rome. She has competed in several singing competitions and won CarmelFest Has Talent and Carmel Idol. In choir at school, she is a vocal captain of the Carmel Ambassadors and a member and arranger in the a cappella group, Select Sound. Aside from music, Emmaline has an affinity for watching March Madness and Seinfeld respectively. |
Sales Associate: Hidi Cramer
Born with a song in her heart, Hidi began her journey towards becoming a musician with many a bashful recital on unpracticed, unlearned instruments in her early childhood. After being gifted a violin from her grandmother in middle school, she began her formal musical study as a violinist. While being granted opportunities to pursue classical training, she realized a passion for performing folk rock and Celtic music. This passion, paired with a desire to always be learning has led her to pick up the guitar, Irish whistle, and Celtic harp. Outside of the store, Hidi teaches Japanese, volunteers, and is involved in the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary. |
Sales Associate: Frozen Violin Guy
Since: April 20, 2006 Frozen Violin Guy has been busy playing outside our store since he first joined our team. He has been diligent in his playing, standing outside in the rain, the snow, the cold, the heat. He has truly been a great asset to the team here. Some even say that you can see him move if you stare long enough. Our violin instructors have pointed out that there are a few technique issues to be addressed however. |